Generación de Leads B2B

Como manager de marketing digital en varias empresas, es habitual escuchar a mis clientes decir, que alguna o varias agencias de Marketing Digital les habían contactado ofreciéndoles 2-4 reuniones con clientes potenciales todas las semanas. Esta estrategia puede funcionar para...

Caso de Exito B2B

Biznaga Media España. En Biznaga Media nos especializamos en generar estrategias de marketing digital B2B especializadas que han logrado algunos casos de éxito en España, Estados Unidos, México, etc... Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a nuestros clientes, ya sean directos o...

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads allow a business to automatically show the right services or products to people who have previously expressed interest in similar services. There are endless benefits when it comes to utilizing dynamic ads, ultimately broadening the scope of a...

Drive Customers to Your Retail Store

Customer traffic, whether physical or digital, powers the engine of retail. In order to drive sales, it’s important to move that traffic.In the status quo, people use the Internet or social media to gather information before purchasing. This is most...

B2B Lead Generation: A Quick Guide

In my experience as a marketing manager, I have seen how businesses have successfully applied B2B strategies. However, I have also seen several B2B companies replicating B2C models to capture leads. From my point of view, this is a mistake.Perhaps...